Create Powerful Saved Searches in GQueues

Use the Saved Search feature so you always find what you're looking for.

Cameron Henneke
Oct 28, 2013

Two weeks ago GQueues added full text searching of tasks - one of the most requested features from the GQueues community.  While the search box makes it easy to quickly find any task, saved searches give you a powerful way to filter and organize your work for retrieval at any time.

Many users often ask how to see a specific set of tasks, such as "everything I completed yesterday," "tasks due next week", or "all tasks with notes."  Custom Smart Queues can be created to show many of these sets, but some are not possible with the available options. Now with Advanced Search you have the power to filter tasks on a much wider variety of criteria and can save searches as Smart Queues for quick access later.

You can search for tasks based on specific criteria using the Advanced Search panel, and then click save search to make it a Smart Queue.

The Advanced Search panel is very intuitive, but some searches can only be expressed using the GQueues query language, which is easy to learn with a few examples.  For instance, to view all tasks completed in September type this into the search box:

Once you've tested and fine-tuned your search criteria, open the Advanced Search panel by clicking the arrow on the right, and then click save search at the bottom.

Give it a name and click Save to create a Smart Queue with this search.

Below are some more searches using the query language which you can copy and modify as needed to use in your own account.

Completed today:

Completed in the last 7 days:

Created today:

Due in November:

Tagged, but no due date:

Without a certain tag:

With 2 or more tags

With this tag, but not that tag:

Either of these tags, but not that tag:

With no tags:

Not assigned to anyone:

Without notes:

What are some of your favorite searches?

About the author
Cameron Henneke

I love building products! And Python. And dark chocolate. When I'm not leading the team at GQueues, I can be found running ultras on the trails of the Rocky Mountains.

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