The Simple Way to Get a Task Management Dashboard for Your Team

Learn how Digital Media LLC uses published queues to improve communication

Emily Jones
May 21, 2024

One of the biggest challenges in the modern workplace is striking the right balance between your digital tools and physical resources. Because no matter how tech-savvy you are, there are always going to be some tangible items that need attention. So how do you merge your physical and digital organizational systems without adding confusion or encouraging double-work?

Take Digital Media LLC in Bridgeport, CT. For them, this challenge centered around how to organize their technicians’ tasks. And published queues had the answer!

Move-in ready

Digital Media is a national provider for Multifamily Communities, offering Broadband Internet, Television and Telephone services since 2002. Their focus is on making customers’ apartments move-in ready by pre-connecting the apartment and setting up their services before the resident even moves in. That way all they need to do is connect their personal devices and they’re all set to enjoy their cable, internet, and landline phone services right away! 

The whiteboard dilemma

The main issue for Digital Media came down to how to coordinate site-specific tasks for their technicians. Their system? One person sifting through tickets and hand-writing the assignments on a trusty office whiteboard. Workable…until that person gets swamped, or calls out sick, or the workload simply becomes too much for the humble whiteboard to handle. 

Enter GQueues.

Digital signage + GQueues

So, how did Digital Media tackle their coordination challenge? The first step was upgrading the whiteboard to a MVIX Digital Signage Board. The dynamic screen gives the team a central place to see important updates, notes, reminders, procedures, etc. It helps keep the entire office on the same page. 

But here’s where the real magic happens. Thanks to their GQueues account, their technicians don’t need to start their day wondering if the whiteboard is up to date. Instead, they stroll into the office, grab their morning coffee, and glance at the TV screen. There they can see published queues from GQueues - a neatly organized list of tasks grouped by property location. If there’s a task that lines up with their schedule for the day, they seamlessly integrate it into their plans. When it’s done, they mark it complete in the GQueues mobile app! 

This setup gives Digital Media the flexibility to organize tasks how they want within GQueues and make sure their technicians know what needs to be done. But it’s not just about efficiency, it’s about creating harmony within the office. Thanks to the MVIX Digital Signage Board and GQueues, tasks update in real-time, so everyone in the office has the latest information right away. It’s a win all around: increased communication, decreased friction, minimal effort. 

How to embed published queues to make a team dashboard

The key to Digital Media getting a setup that works for them is the ability for everyone in the office to see the queues in GQueues update right away on their MVIX screen. And all it took to get this real-time team dashboard was embedding the HTML for their published queues in the MVIX software. Here’s how you can get the same setup!

Step 1: Publish the queue

You can publish any task list in GQueues. Public queues update in real time. That means anyone with access to the link or embedded queue can see updates right away, even if they’re not already shared on the queue.

Step 2: Copy the HTML to embed the queue in a website

When you publish a queue you get a link you can send for person-to-person sharing. Or you can use the provided HTML to embed the queue in a website. This is what Digital Media did!

Step 3: Paste the HTML to embed on your digital platform

For Digital Media, this meant adding the linked queues to their MVIX software. But you can add it to any website or intranet tool.

Mvix Screenshot

Step 4: Edit HTML as needed

The HTML provided by default displayed too small on their TV at first. It wasn’t easy to read from far away. So they reached out to GQueues Customer Support for help making changes to adjust the display size!

Here’s the final version of the edited HTML fit for their screen and software: 

<iframe height scrolling="auto" style="--scale-size:1.8; padding:20px 36px 0px 35px; border-radius:24px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:1px 1px 12px 0 rgb(20 20 43 / 6%); box-sizing:border-box; margin:10px; width:calc((100% - 22px) / var(--scale-size)); border:0px; transform:scale(var(--scale-size)); transform-origin: top left;height: calc((100vh - 71px) / var(--scale-size));" src=""></iframe>

Voila! The queue displays on their office digital signage board so it’s easily visible from across the room and everyone can see right away what needs to get done and what’s already covered. 

About the author
Emily Jones
Customer Care Manager

I love chatting with our users! When I'm not answering questions about GQueues, I keep our Help Center up-to-date, make tutorial videos, and write our newsletter. My favorite dogs are basset hounds.

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