Get started faster with templates

Organizing your work can be daunting. Templates save you the trouble of starting from scratch. Based on expertise from the GQueues team and our user community, they’re crafted to make your setup process as smooth as possible.

Get started in GQueues fast with templates

Template Gallery

Cure your organizer’s block once and for all! Browse the available templates. Import your favorites. Customize. All that’s left is to get to work!

Submit a template

Have a pro GQueues setup others could benefit from?

Help us grow the Template Gallery by submitting your own template idea for consideration.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still use Team templates when I’m working solo?

Yes! There are lots of benefits to using Teams, even when you’re working alone. If you do bring on other collaborators in the future, you’re all set up. And even while it’s just you, teams let you break up your work by project on Google Calendar.

Learn more about teams in our Help Center. 😊

Can I modify templates after importing?

Yes! Not only is it possible, we encourage it!

These templates are designed as a jumping-off point to help get your creative juices flowing. You should absolutely customize them to suit your needs. 

What’s most important with your organizational system is it works for you and your team. Not that it matches the templates to a T. 😊

Can I request new templates?

Yes! We love hearing from our user community, so if you have ideas for new templates, let us know!

Does my existing data get deleted when I import a template?

No, importing a template will never override your data. It will simply add to your existing structure. So you'll get some new queues, tags, and Smart Queues. But all of your previous organizational structure stays put. 😊

Can I use multiple templates?

Yes! There’s no limit to the number of templates you can import.